The churches of St. John Lampadistis Monastery are located in Kalopanagiotis village.

The monastery's oldest church was built in the 11th century and is dedicated to St. Iraklidis. This cross- domed church used to be decorated with frescoes painted in the 12th century. Fragments of these frescoes have survived to this day and are located in the altar space of the church. In the 13th century most of the frescoes were painted over with new artwork. And then in the 15th century they were covered yet again with another layer of new paintings. Presently visitors can view the following frescoes from the 13th century: Jesus's Entry into Jerusalem, the Resurrection of Lazarus, the Crucifixion, the Ascension of Jesus and Christ Pantocrator.

The iconostasis dates back to the 13th century and is decorated with Byzantine ornaments featuring heraldic symbols, such as a Frankish bear, a Luisignan lion and a Byzantine double-headed eagle.

The second Byzantine church was built in the 12th century and is dedicated to John Lampadistis. The church houses the saint's miracle-working relics, which continue to draw in religious pilgrims from around the world. The frescoes feature scenes from the Old Testament, an image of the Last Judgment as well as portrayals of different religious holidays.
The two churches are connected to each other with the help of a narthex.

The Latin chapel was erected in the 15th century and is adorned with Italian and Byzantine style artwork characteristic of the Venetian Renaissance. The images include a representation of an Akathist Hymn (a form of religious singing that glorifies the Virgin, where each verse begins with a letter from the Greek alphabet), Abraham and the Three Angels and others. The monastery of St. John Lampadistis and its churches are on the UNESCO list of world heritage sites.